Bridger Mountain High School Rodeo

The Bridger Mountain Rodeo team puts on a rodeo in Bozeman September 18th and 19th every year. Junior High and High School Rodeo teams and individuals come from all across Montana and out of state to compete. The team works to get sponsorships and funding for the rodeo and events through personal sponsors, working events, selling raffle tickets and any number of other things we can think up! The event is free to the public and we invite everyone to come enjoy the rodeo and support your local youth! Donations can be made to the team at the rodeo or privately. Our goal is to fill the stands for our rodeo youth this year!! Come and watch these amazing athletes compete!!

Calendar   Community Events
Location Bozeman Fairgrounds outdoor arena
Date Saturday, September 18, 2021 at 10:00am -
Sunday, September 19, 2021 at 9:00am
Duration   23h
Repeats? No