Downtown Technical Assistance Grant Project

Information & Grant Application

Purpose: To support current or potential developers, property owners, and tenants with technical assistance during the preliminary phases of possible redevelopment projects in the Urban Renewal District (URD) of downtown Bozeman. This program facilitates navigating code requirements, preparing for the planning application and approval process, and evaluating historic preservation considerations. Grant monies are available to developers, owners and tenants to further stimulate investment in downtown Bozeman, while encouraging a higher level of quality and design in the downtown environment. Technical Assistance Program projects must support the goals and objectives of the 2019 Downtown Improvement Plan, a comprehensive, community-oriented guide for the development of downtown Bozeman. Copies of the Downtown Improvement Plan are available from the Downtown Bozeman Partnership.

Applicants are reminded that grant awards made by the Downtown Bozeman Urban Renewal District (URD) Board are discretionary in nature and should not be considered an entitlement by the applicant. All grant criteria are guidelines for awards and successful applicants may receive any amount up to the maximum award. Should an application meet all grant criteria, a grant may or may not be awarded at the URD Board’s discretion due to funding limitations, competing applications, and/or competing priorities of the URD Board.


The 1995 Downtown Urban Renewal Plan establishes that urban renewal objectives and continued commercial development “shall be accomplished by incentives whenever possible”.

Montana Code Annotated authorizes the Downtown URD to fund such grants:

7-15-4209 Development of workable urban renewal program

(1) A municipality, for the purposes of this part and part 43, may formulate a workable program for utilizing appropriate private and public resources:
(a) to eliminate and prevent the development or spread of blighted areas;
(b) to encourage needed urban rehabilitation;
(c) to provide for the redevelopment of such areas;

(2) Such workable program may include, without limitation, provision for:

(b) the rehabilitation of blighted areas or portions thereof by replanning, removing congestion, providing parks, playgrounds, and other public improvements; by encouraging voluntary rehabilitation; and by compelling the repair and rehabilitation of deteriorated or deteriorating structures;
(c) the clearance and redevelopment of blighted areas or portions thereof.

7-15-4233 Urban Renewal Project Powers

(m) to prepare plans for carrying out a program of voluntary or compulsory repair and rehabilitation of buildings and improvements; and

(n) to conduct appraisals, title searches, surveys, studies, and other preliminary plans and work necessary for the undertaking of urban renewal projects.”

7-15-4288. Costs that may be paid by tax increment financing.

The tax increments may be used by the municipality to pay the following costs of or incurred in connection with an urban renewal project

(5) costs incurred in connection with the redevelopment activities allowed in 7-15-4233

Disclaimer: Neither the Downtown Bozeman Partnership, nor the Downtown URD Board, nor its affiliates shall be responsible for the planning, design, or construction proposed by any work conducted as part of the Downtown Technical Assistance Program. No warranties or guarantees are expressed or implied by the description of, application for, award of or participation in the Downtown Technical Assistance Program. The applicant is advised to consult with the City of Bozeman, licensed architects, engineers, or building contractors before proceeding with final plans or construction.

Applying: Applicants are advised to submit a complete application and all supporting materials per the instructions in this packet. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.

NOTE: If applicant does not own the project property, a Letter of Project Acknowledgement must be completed by the applicant and current property owner.

Project Eligibility: In order to be considered for a grant award, proposed projects must meet the following criteria:

  1. The project property must be located within the downtown Bozeman Urban Renewal District (URD). A detailed map of the district can be found at
  2. The project must be consistent with the following City of Bozeman planning documents:
    1. 2019 Downtown Improvement Plan:
    2. Bozeman Community Plan:
    3. Downtown Design Guidelines and Standards:
  3. The Applicant must be the owner of the project property. If not, the Applicant must complete the program’s Letter of Acknowledgement thus providing the approval of the property owner to proceed.
  4. All work shall be preliminary in scope. Construction work is not eligible for Technical Assistance funds.

There are two grant programs currently available for technical assistance.

  1. Façade Assistance Projects:

Façade Assistance Grants may be applied, but not limited to, the following services:

  • Façade improvement planning
  • Preliminary cost estimates
  • UDO and building code analysis
  • Historical inventory and research
  • Landscape or hardscape design
  • Greenspace, courtyard, plaza design

The Façade Assistance grant will provide partial financial reimbursement for professional architectural, design, or engineering assistance.

The Façade Assistance grant will fund up to 50% of the total professional service costs of the awarded project not to exceed a grant total of $3000. Please notice this is a new requirement of the program.

2. Planning Assistance Projects:

Planning Assistance Grants may be applied, but not limited to, the following services:

  • Development feasibility study
  • Preliminary development review
  • Building condition assessment
  • Renovation or reuse studies
  • Historical inventory and research
  • Parking requirement assessment
  • Preliminary cost estimates
  • UDO and building code analysis
  • Scenario planning and phasing

The Planning Assistance grant will provide partial financial reimbursement for professional architectural, design, or engineering assistance for feasibility studies and/or preliminary design assistance. The Planning Assistance grant will fund up to 50% of the total professional service costs of the awarded project not to exceed a grant total of $7500. Please notice this is a new requirement of the program.

The final grant amount will be calculated upon completion of the project and with the submittal of the financial documentation as required by the Certificate of Completion.

Each project or property is limited to receiving a maximum of two awards in a given fiscal year. Please notice this is a new requirement of the program.

Review Process: Application forms are available by request from the Downtown Bozeman Partnership.

Applications will be reviewed by Downtown Bozeman Partnership staff under the supervision of the URD Board. The Partnership will review applications on a first come, first served basis for the duration of funding availability. Projects that are recommended for approval will be submitted to the URD Board for final approval. The decisions made by the Partnership staff and URD Board are final.

Award recipients will receive a Letter of Award confirming the grant award and any conditions deemed necessary by the Partnership for receipt of the award.

The receipt and completion of a Technical Assistance grant does not obligate the applicant to continue with the project.

Technical Library: Upon completion, printed and digital copies of all research, studies, and findings will be provided to the Downtown Partnership to be included in the Technical Assistance Library. The specifics of this requirement are outlined in the Certificate of Completion. All submitted materials will be added to the Downtown Technical Assistance Library.

The materials in the Technical Library will be available to the public upon request.

Release of Funds: The Downtown Technical Assistance Program is reimbursement program. No funds will be disbursed until all the completion criteria have been satisfactorily met.

At the end of the project, the recipient will submit a Certificate of Completion and required supporting documentation to the Downtown Partnership office which must include an itemized invoice for the hours worked by the professional firm(s). Payment will be made directly to the recipient for the allowable match amount. Payment will not exceed the maximum award amount.

Applicant Information

Professional Information

Project Information

Provide the following information on an additional sheet(s) and upload as one PDF document:

  1. Describe the proposed project. What type(s) of development and/or physical improvements are being considered for the project property?
  2. What type of Technical Assistance are you seeking? Please explain what type(s) of analysis will be conducted with the Technical Assistance funding.
  3. Identify how your project supports the 2019 Downtown Improvement Plan.
  4. Provide a timeline indicating estimated dates for beginning technical evaluation; completing technical evaluation; beginning the development project; and completing the development project.
  5. Estimate of the anticipated total professional services costs in order for the matching grant amount to be estimated. 
  6. Signed Letter of Project Acknowledgement (if applicant does not own building).
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The Downtown Bozeman Partnership reserves the right to request additional information from the applicant to determine grant eligibility. Applicants are required to submit a complete application and all supporting materials per the instructions in this packet. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.