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Beer for All: Beer 101
SHINE Beer Santuary + Bottle Shop, 451 E Main St, Bozeman, MT 59715

Community Events
January 28, 2020 @ 6:00pm - 9:00pm

Fermentana is teaming up with SHINE Beer Sanctuary + Bottle Shop to start offering monthly beer educational workshops!

First up, is Beer for All: Beer 101, a two hour workshop with Fermentana cofounder Loy Maierhauser. In this beer-experience, we'll hit all the basics of beer - what's in it, how it's made, how to drink it, and how to navigate the overwhelming selection of beer that's available! We'll taste and explore six beers of varying styles and you'll walk away with the knowledge and confidence you need for the next time you're out and staring at the tap list.

Your registration includes six beer samples, light snacks, and a new wealth of beer knowledge. This class is open to all, however, participants must be 21+. Limited to 26 participants.

Tickets available at https://www.sellout.io/events/6019242741383529/.

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