HELENA, Mont. – The Montana Department of Commerce announced today that four Montana communities will share $100,000 in grant funding to regenerate Main Street businesses and downtowns. The funding is through Commerce’s Montana Main Street Program.
“Montana Main Street Program funding helps communities strengthen and preserve their historic downtown commercial districts through community development, revitalization and historic preservation,” said Paul Green, Director of the Montana Department of Commerce. “The Main Street program promotes local efforts through a statewide network of educational outreach, coordination and organization to support Main Street communities throughout Montana.”
The MMS Program works with local partners to identify and plan for a community’s greatest development needs and provides seed money to help implement high-impact projects.
Communities that will receive MMS grant funding:
In 2023, the City of Sidney received $50,000 of MMS grant funding for the restoration of the historical Yellowstone Mercantile building to install windows and doors.
“As a result of the Montana Main Street Program, Sidney has made significant strides in revitalizing its community with the restoration of the historic Yellowstone Mercantile building, which serves as a vital landmark for the downtown area. By focusing on strategic planning and partnerships, we aim to continue leveraging MMS to create a downtown master plan that will enhance the region's appeal for local businesses and social capital,” said Kali Godfrey, Executive Director of the Sidney Chamber of Commerce.
Currently, there are 38 Montana Main Street communities. Eligible applicants for MMS grants include MMS communities which currently do not have an active grant.
The Montana Main Street Program was established in 2005 and is administered by Commerce’s Community MT Division. Funding for the program comes from Senate Bill 540.
For more information, visit commerce.mt.gov.