Downtown Bozeman has recently been blessed with the appearance of not one, not two, but THREE incredible new restaurants - gute Laune, Bitterroot Bistro, and Hugkan.


gute Laune

First stop on the new food train brought us to 10 W Main, gute Laune. Perched above The Rialto, this German-inspired wurstbar translating to ‘good mood’ hosts a farm-to-table style menu. Featuring tasty mains like the Jalapeño Cheddar Bratwurst from B-Bar Ranch, sensational sides such as the pretzel, with of course, beer cheese and even a delicious dessert of apfelstudel. The atmosphere is fun and inviting with two sides to the establishment, a bar which faces beautiful Main St, and the very German style dining area with long, community-style, tables. Certainly a must-stop.

Now, something’s been stirring over on South Willson. Two restaurants have popped up and we made sure to immediately check ‘em out.


Bitterroot Bistro

We headed down to Willson and started at Bitterroot Bistro. Located at 19 S Willson, the experience began with two fantastic staff members who greeted us and made us feel welcome the moment we stepped in. It was easy to tell that the staff was just as excited to be there as we were. Taking in the warm atmosphere, we sat at our table and discovered that we had arrived just in time for a killer happy hour. $4 brews? Can’t be mad at that. Moving on to the eats, we started with Bistro Cheese Plate hosting meats and cheeses galore, a delicious chutney and a few other goodies. Then came the “Butte Style” pasty. On a chilly day, this is the warm, comforting dish you want to go for. Take note of this pro-tip, get. the. trout. dip.



Hugkan, you’re up! 33 S Willson is the home of the newest Asian cuisine restaurant downtown, and it’s certainly somewhere to keep on your radar. Rolls, nigiri, sashimi – all you could ask for!

This place offers a setting that exudes familiarity and friendliness, making you feel right at home as soon as you step through the door. The presentation is beautiful, and you really can’t go wrong with what you get. From our intel, sounds like they plan to incorporate some incredible Thai dishes in as well in the future. Keep in mind there is no booze here, but there is a very enjoyable Thai iced tea that is a have-to-get pairing.

Overall, we had a great time on our train ride to flavortown with each place having a unique atmosphere and tasty dishes, adding to the variety of eateries downtown. It’s time to plan your next evening to dive into the exploration of downtown Bozeman’s changing culinary landscape!

Check out all of Downtown Bozeman's culinary delights HERE.