Intrigue ink

Intrigue Ink

12 E Main St

Intrigue Ink strives to promote mental stimulation by featuring, creating, and drawing attention to all things intriguing.

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August's Featured Artist

Shirley Robinett


Montana Mixed Media Collage Artist

Capturing the Moment with Paper and Stuff


I believe we have all been blessed with creativity. My creative journey began with my grandmother, Grandma McAvoy. As the most influential person in my creative life, she instilled within me the love and desire to create.

Having developed my own style of collage, I have drawn on decades of experience and inspiration to create unique and recognizable art. I paint on paper, then cut it up, assemble the pieces into a layered image and often add a variety of materials to it. Each brightly-colored whimsical image tells its own story and is birthed from the union of my human experiences and divine inspiration.

Each image I create comes with a blessing. I hope my art finds its home and it speaks a message of hope and encouragement to the viewer as it has to me. May the touch of my grandmother’s life also touch you. May you find freedom and peace in your soul, love in your heart, and an inspiration to discover your own creativity.


Shirley Robinett, recognized for her distinct and unmistakable style of mixed media collage art, is an artist whose passion for creation has been ingrained in her since her early days on a small farm in Colorado, surrounded by her loving family. Throughout her life, Shirley has explored various mediums such as calligraphy, drawing, painting, and photography. However, it was the inspiration of Eric Carle’s “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” and the discovery of mixed media collage that captivated her artistic soul, leading her on a transformative journey.

The realization of her artistic voice came when Shirley received several awards at local art shows, affirming her talent and unique approach. Since then, she has actively participated in numerous art shows, continuing to garner recognition and accolades for her exceptional work. Committed to giving back to her community, Shirley generously donates her art to local non-profit organizations. Her artistry has also found representation in several galleries across the country, allowing a wider audience to appreciate and acquire her creations. Shirley sells her pieces through her website, connecting directly with art enthusiasts and collectors. Furthermore, she undertakes personal commissions and often teaches others her techniques and process.

Through her mixed media collage art, Shirley invites viewers to embark on a visual journey where layers of materials and emotions intertwine, evoking a sense of divine wonder and curiosity. Her artistry stands as a testament to her unwavering dedication, lifelong pursuit of artistic growth, and the innate joy she finds in the act of creation. Shirley earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Graphic Design with honors from Montana State University, Bozeman and currently resides in Bozeman, Montana.

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